
  Conclusion A  portfolio summary is  a brief introduction to your work, skills, and achievements that showcases your value proposition and personality to potential employers or clients . It can be a powerful tool to attract attention, demonstrate your expertise, and convey your unique selling points. I believe that a good classroom management approach is one that includes students in making their classroom boundaries.   I believe that a class can become strong if all the students know the boundaries that they are to follow. An advantage to this is that students will be reinforcing the classroom boundaries as they see others break them.   I believe that the teacher should be clear in what she/he expects from the students and should not bargain with students.   A teacher can be nice and be an expert power teacher.
Student Portfolio Introduction:                A student portfolio is a comprehensive, ongoing collection of work samples, projects, and other supporting bodies of evidence that demonstrate a student's present level of educational performance and serves as an assessment tool.                  Unlike standardized assessments in the form of tests, portfolios provide a broader picture of entirety of the student's learning process. The full picture of the student assists teachers when developing learning opportunities and tracking progress. Essentially, portfolios should fulfill the following criteria:  • Demonstration of academic achievement and progress. • Alignment with grade-level standards. • Reflections on the individual's learning process. • Archive of accomplished work. Purpose of Student Portfolios: Essentially, a portfolio serves as an alternative assessment tool to more formal methods. This comprehensive assessment is necessary when looking at the implementation of t
  Benefits of Students portfolio
  Environmental friendly class Environmental friendly classes where held outside the classroom. Making the students aware of importance of education outside the class room and to feel fresh air.
  Pooja Celebration Pooja Celebration was conducted in our college on 21st October. Pooja was conducted on behalf of it.
  Children's day Children's day is celebrated on 14th November on the remembrance of our first Prime Minister of India. In our school we celebrated children's day with various activities for children.