What is content writing?

Content writing is the process of writing, editing, and publishing content in a digital format. That content can include blog posts, video or podcast scripts, eBooks or whitepapers, press releases, product category descriptions, landing page or social media copy and more. Nowadays, content creation is a critical component of most businesses marketing strategies- invest in content marketing. In fact, as of 2020, 70% of marketers now actively

This means the role of content writer is more in-demand than ever before. However, the role varies depending on both industry and business needs.

For instance, some businesses might invest heavily in a social media strategy, while other companies prefer creating content in the format of blog posts or e-books. Regardless of format, a content writer is critical for creating high-quality content that represents and strengthens a brand’s voice, while attracting, engaging, and de- lighting the right audience. When done right, content writing has the power to con- vert readers into prospects, and prospects into paying customers. So it’s undeniably important for your business’ bottom-line that you’re able to consistently create help- ful, engaging content. But that’s easier said than done. To help take your content to the next level, let’s dive into some of my favorite content writing tips (these have personally helped me, as well).


10 Content Writing Tips:

1.     Write unique and original content, and go above-and-beyond what you find online.

Whenever I start a new blog post, like this one. I start with plenty of online re search-but that’s not where it ends.

After Googling relevant topics, including “content writing tips”. I begin creating an outline using some of the information I find online.

However, your piece will never rank if you just copy-and-paste the same information that already exists online- and, even if it does, when your readers catch on (and they will), they’ll lose trust in your brand as an authority within the industry.

Once I finish my rough outline (which will include about 60% of the information I found through online research), I fill in the remaining 40% with unique, original in- sights. If I know about a topic personally (as is the case with “content writing”, since I’m a content writer myself), I’ll fill in the outline with original anecdotes, tips, or personal examples.

However, if I don’t know much about the topic at-hand, that doesn’t mean I simply use what’s already online. Instead, I’ll reach out to internal Hub Spotters who are ex- perts on the topic or use other original internal-company resources, or I’ll conduct external outreach via my social networks to find a reputable source willing to pro- vide tips, quotes, or original examples to beef up my piece.

Additionally, I’ll look for content regarding the topic across a wide range of sources -including YouTube, LinkedIn, Reddit, Quora, as well as podcasts-to ensure when readers’ come across my content, it’s both comprehensive and unique.


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